How to set LED display scanning way

by:Xinyao LCD     2020-04-06
Currently on the market of LED display driver way is divided into two kinds of static scan and dynamic scan, static scan and can be divided into static compaction pixels and static virtual, dynamic scanning can also be divided into dynamic realities and dynamic virtual; MBI5026 drive devices commonly used in domestic HC595 are needed, Taiwan, Japan's Toshiba TB62726, generally has a 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16. Scanning mode: in certain display area, at the same time, light up the number of rows and the whole area in proportion to the number of lines. Indoor double color for 1/16 scanning, commonly indoor full-color generally is 1/8 scanning, outdoor single color is usually 1/4 scan, outdoor full-color is generally static scan. Currently on the market of LED display driver way is divided into two kinds of static scan and dynamic scan, static scan and can be divided into static compaction pixels and static virtual, dynamic scanning can also be divided into dynamic realities and dynamic virtual; MBI5026 drive devices commonly used in domestic HC595 are needed, Taiwan, Japan's Toshiba TB62726, generally has a 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16. For example: a common full-color module is 16 * 8 pixels ( 2 r1g1b) , if use MBI5026 drive, module is used: a total of 16 * 8 * ( 2 + 1 + 1) = 512, MBI5026 for 16 chip, 512/16 = 32 ( 1) If use 32 MBI5026 chip, is static virtual ( 2) If use 16 MBI5026 chip, is a dynamic virtual (1/2 sweep 3) If use eight MBI5026 chip, is a dynamic 1/4 sweep virtual panel if two red lights together ( 4) With 24 MBI5026 chip, it is real pixels (static 5) With 12 MBI5026 chip, is a dynamic sweep 1/2 real pixels ( 6) With six MBI5026 chip, is a dynamic sweep a quarter pixels on the LED unit board, scanning mode is divided into 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, the static. How to distinguish? Has one of the most simple way is to count the number of the LED unit board and the number of 74 hc595 are needed.
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