Full color LED display quality is influenced by what factors - Full color LED screen - knowledge

by:Xinyao LCD     2020-04-24
For full color LED display, LED lights, as the most critical components, the quality of the LED lamp bead on the LED display quality plays a very important decision function. 1 failure rates LED display, LED display screen is composed of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of set of red, green, blue three kinds of LED lights. Lights, the failure rate of aging even will not higher than one over ten thousand 72 hours. 2, LED display attenuation characteristic of LED lights, increase brightness will gradually decay over time. LED lamp bead light attenuation speed and LED chips, auxiliary materials, packaging process has certain relevance. In general, after 1000 hours, 20 milliampere light test at room temperature, the red LED lamp bead attenuation should be less than 7%, the attenuation of blue, green LED lamp bead should be less than 10%. Red, green, and blue attenuation of the consistency of full-color LED display great influence on the white balance in the future, will affect the display fidelity of the display screen. 3, the brightness of the LED display brightness LED lamp bead determines the brightness of the full-color LED display, LED lamp bead brightness is higher, the greater the allowance of using current, to save electricity, to keep the LED lamp bead is good stability. Values LED lamp bead has a different point of view, in the case of chip brightness is set, the smaller the Angle, the LED is more bright, but the smaller screen view. General should choose - 100 degrees 110 degree LED lamp bead to ensure full color LED display enough perspective. LED display quality is affected by the LED lamp bead, you still have what can supplement knowledge, welcome to discuss with us.
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