What is the adopted technology of the led display? What's the advantage of

by:Xinyao LCD     2020-04-04
What is the adopted technology of the led display? What's the advantage of LED display is to use technology: convert electric energy into visible light solid state semiconductor devices, it can be directly put DianZhuan into light! The heart of the LED is a semiconductor chip, chip attached on a bracket, at the end of the end is negative, the other end connected to the power of the anode, the whole chip is encapsulated by epoxy resin. LED display advantages: 1. High brightness; 2. Angle is big; 3. Life is long; 4. The screen area but can small, small to less than one square meters, is up to hundreds and thousands of square meters; 5, easy and computer interface, support software is rich. 6. The advantages of energy conservation and environmental protection.
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