Is lcd 17 tv tested before shipment?
The Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) is one of many types of quality control inspections conducted by Guangzhou Xinyao Electronic Co, Ltd.. This inspection is done according to standard QC Test, or based upon customer requirements. Samples are selected and inspected for defects at random, according to these standards and procedures. For us, Pre-Shipment Inspection is an important step in the quality control process and is the method for checking the quality of lcd 17 tv before they are shipped.

The 20 inch 4k tv Which Meet People's Requirements In Pursuit Of Good Taste Life. Choose From Website, You Will Never Be Disappointed. The 22 in? led tv series is presented as follows. As one of the advanced characteristics, 21.5 inch monitor has won warm praise from customers. OEM service is available for Xinyao TV monitors. Xinyao TV monitors can meet the continuously changing needs. . LCD TV MONITOR has opened a 'customer demand-oriented' strategic transformation.

Guangzhou Xinyao Electronic Co, Ltd is committed to integrating 19 lcd monitor industry resources in China and abroad and re-engineering the value chain. Inquire online!
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